Sunday, August 9, 2009

beyond exhaustion

a little of what my sunday looked like...
woke up at 8:00am
went to kingwood bagels
went to starbucks
attended youth bible study
attended elevate
went to the leaders meeting (went for the food) : )
used steel wool on...the crib, armoire, rocking chair,
ottoman, nightstand, trash can, and changing table...then,
did minimal sanding to these pieces.
my wonderful mother-in-law did the deep sanding.
bagged cookies for the new residents
did some more sanding
ate dinner at chuys
i feel like i ran a marathon today...
baby t, patrick, and i are hitting the sack pretty early tonight.
tomorrow is patrick's day off :)
we are going to put a white wash on all the furniture.
should be will be up soon.

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