Saturday, July 25, 2009

meet nina

nina is our black furry hyper and sweet friend that we are babysitting for the week.
patrick's parents are on vacation so we offered to watch nina. there is just one problem. we have one of these...

although, hamilton is a very sweet cat, he is not sure what to think about this black thing that is his height and barks really loud. so what does hamilton do??

hisses, swats, and growls at the dog (did you know cats can growl???) so right now, nina chases hamilton and hamilton just growls and then swats when he gets the chance. my goal by the end of the week is for the two to be friends and cuddle with each other...i'm not sure if it will actually happen, but i will definitely keep you posted.


leslianne said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE NINA!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your bedspread! where in the world did you get that? anthro??

the thurmans said...

urban : ) they still have it too! can't wait to squeeze your neck wednesday!