Well...another week has come and gone. The biggest field trip of each year at Yellowstone is going to the Houston Livestock Show at the Rodeo. Pre K through 3rd graders go each year, and even though it is one of the best field trips of the year...it is also the most exhausting field trip of the year. I only had two kids in my group, but they wore me out. Each child is given 12 dollars and they can only use this money for food, which the kids love. They are in awe at all the food that the rodeo offers. It's the first thing they all want to do...even if it is 10:00 in the morning and we just got there. Some ate nachos, hamburgers, cinnamon rolls, and of course, alligator on a stick...yuck!! Then to top it all off, the largest order of Dip N' Dots. We saw chicks hatching, pigs and cows in labor, pigs racing for oreos, and more and more food. Here are some pictures of our day at the rodeo!